Brighton Fringe at the Brunswick. Now with special added trumpet.
Ken Wood and the Mixers proudly announce their return to the live music scene after decades of lockdown misery. Yes indeedy do. And did they take the opportunity of the lockdown to practise really hard all day long and transform themselves into a lean, mean, music making machine? Long term fans of the band will all know the answer to that one.

So here we are with a week to go before 'Amazing Stories of Blues and Soul' once again takes to the stage at 3.30 on Sat 14th May and Sunday 15th May at The Brunswick, Holland Road, Hove BN3 1JF. Tickets available through the Brighton Fringe website, apps and on the door.
Awwwww I Feel Good! Put on your dancing shoes and get set to jump and jive as ‘Amazing Stories of Blues and Soul’ tells the sensational story of soul music and its greatest performers, from the pounding forties dance rhythms of Big Joe Turner to the smouldering sixties sounds of Stax and Motown, while a *crack eight piece band play some of the finest songs of the era by artists like James Brown, Otis Redding and the Temptations.
This time featuring the latest recruit to the band.....give it up for the marvellous Marcus Blitz on trumpet and flugelhorn.
* it says 'crack' on the press release but this is probably a misprint.