Please get in touch - we'd love to hear from you. Use these details if:
- You're making an enquiry about booking the band
- You're an old pal getting in touch
- You want more info
- You want to share memories of the band from the past
- You're an eccentric millionaire thinking of leaving us a huge legacy
Call Wayne on 01794 884244
Call Ken on 07771 976622
email: ken@kenwoodandthemixers.com

Have Gig, Will Travel
The Mixers are active from Shropshire and Leicestershire in the Midlands right the way down to Somerset, Wiltshire, Hampshire and London.
Contact info
Stix guitars: http://www.stixmusic.co.uk/
Dirty Chef Music: http://www.dirtychef.com/
Kenwood mixers (just in case you were looking for household appliances): http://www.kenwoodworld.com/Kenwoodworld/
Different Bob's Wessex research group: http://www.wessexresearchgroup.org/
visit our page at www.band-me-up.com